Everything you need to know about

Habitat Housing


What Are Habitat Houses Like?


Simple, decent and affordable.

  • Decent

    Habitat for Humanity uses quality, locally available building materials. Habitat house designs reflect the local climate and culture.

  • Affordable

    The labor of volunteers and partner families, efficient building methods, modest house sizes and non-profit loans make it affordable for low-income families to purchase Habitat houses.

Housing and Income Requirements

Are You Ready To Provide A Safe, Decent, Affordable Home For Your Family?

  • All family members' income is included in the calculation of a family's total gross income.
  • Income from all wages, SSI, SSDI, food stamps, housing assistance, retirement, alimony, VA benefits, child support, etc are included.
  • The guidelines are annual (to convert monthly income to annual income, multiply your monthly income amount by 12.)
  • Income guidelines are listed by family size.

# of people in household



















$37, 062








*Income levels are set annually by US Department of Housing & Urban Development and are 30-80% of the median income. (Note: Minimum income limits have been adjusted to reflect the income required to afford the mortgage payment for the house size required for the family size.) Habitat financing is used for families earning 30-60% median income. Families earning between 60-80% median income must seek non-traditional financing. Please contact our qualified loan originator for more details.

  • All family members' income is included in the calculation of a family's total gross income.
  • Income from all wages, SSI, SSDI, food stamps, housing assistance, retirement, alimony, VA benefits, child support, etc are included.
  • The guidelines are annual (to convert monthly income to annual income, multiply your monthly income amount by 12.)
  • Income guidelines are listed by family size.

# of people in household



























*Income levels are set annually by US Department of Housing & Urban Development and are 30-80% of the median income. (Note: Minimum income limits have been adjusted to reflect the income required to afford the mortgage payment for the house size required for the family size.) Habitat financing is used for families earning 30-60% median income. Families earning between 60-80% median income must seek non-traditional financing. Please contact our qualified loan originator for more details.

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Local Habitat Houses

Our homes are extremely well built and energy-efficient. We build to meet our partner family's needs but typically build a single-story, three-bedroom home.  We build garages when the neighborhood covenants require them. Habitat’s guidelines dictate that a 3-bedroom Habitat house may have no more than 1,050 square feet of living space.  Two-bedroom homes should be no more than 900 and a four-bedroom should not exceed 1,150 square feet.

What Our Family Partners Say:

"This home is more than a house. It is a home with love, built with love and hope and dreams, because of Habitat for Humanity. You've given our family hope - no matter how bad things get or have been in the past. God has blessed our family with the caring, supportive, concerned, kind people at Habitat."

-a Habitat for Humanity partner family

Habitat Houses in North America

Habitat houses in the United States and Canada are typically built using wood frame construction, Gypsum board interior walls, vinyl siding, and asphalt shingle roofs. Some affiliates also use proven alternative building materials such as adobe or straw bale construction.

U.S. and Canadian Habitat houses are modestly sized by North American standards.

Habitat for Humanity’s commitment to building with people in need readily extends to those with disabilities. When possible, Habitat houses incorporate basic accessible design features, such as a zero-step entrance and wide passage doors and hallways. Houses built in partnership with families with disabilities include additional accessibility features.

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